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Making Smart Decisions - Boldly Take on Any Challenge In Life

The TRUTH About Mastering Good, Smart and Sound Decision Making Skills... Even If You Feel Nervous About Taking On Life's Challenges and Fulfilling Lifelong Passion Points

How is this course/coaching relevant for me?

Have you ever felt scared, nervous, or anxious about MAKING GOOD, SOUND, SMART DECISIONS so that you can take on a new challenge in your life? Everyone has lifelong passion points they would like to pursue one day (when they usually find time/go through a pivotal junction in life, to devote to these passion points), yet they are unsure as to how and when to turn those ideas into reality.


Maybe you came to the end of one path in your life and are now mustering up the courage to turn your life around and make smart, sound, good decisions as you explore a new path, a new phase, a new opportunity in your life. Or you have retired from a lifetime of work and are now looking for a deeper purpose after retirement/ a second career after retirement. 


It can seem very daunting… you may be afraid to make errors when you turn your life around and feel like you need to make smart, good decisions as to which new path in life you should move forward with. You may have made too many errors in the past and therefore feel nervous about making the right next move. You could really benefit from sound, good, decision-making training. 


There is a better way, a better approach to boldly take on the challenge of turning your life around and make sound decisions and without making the same errors that most people make when they decide to make changes in their life. With tips and techniques for smart decision-making, you are able to courageously translate your deeper purpose into a new opportunity, a new second career after retirement.  


What if we could help you navigate this exciting yet scary time in your life with the tried and tested key frameworks that will help you to learn how to make smart, sound, good decisions? Smart decisions that will help you to confidently turn your life around and move boldly and courageously into a new phase in your life.

Our Chief Storytelling officer, George Eapen, has successfully navigated multiple decisions in life and pivoted his life to navigate various life paths. From corporate careers with global giants like P&G®, PepsiCo®, and Vodafone®, to then pivoting successfully to work with private companies, small and medium sized businesses, start-ups, and even deciding to launch and scale multiple businesses. Through the challenges and opportunities and successes and mistakes, George has studied and mapped out key principles to successfully pivot by making good, sound, decisions. Learn from the expert on turning your life around, avoiding the most common errors and pitfalls, and mastering your fear and doubt to make sound decisions that connect your heart, mind, and gut, thereby enabling you to turn your life around successfully!

By combining the impact of storytelling for sound decision-making along with effective time management frameworks to translate ideas into reality, the Next Dimension Story SMART DECISION MAKING online courses will equip you with 3 key frameworks to make sound, good, and smart decisions in as little as 5 days.

You will then have the ability to navigate various options in life as you effectively process the questions, clarifications, possibilities, and timelines to turn thought into action and thereby turn your life around.

The step by step, easy to follow approach within the Learn Smart Decision-Making online courses will guide you to reflect on your experiences and skill sets and enable you to map out your new life paths/options and make sound decisions to move forward.  

Using the art & science of storytelling, we will guide you through a powerful reflective approach (purpose-driven story) that connects
heart (values), mind (expertise), and gut (instinct), thereby helping you to connect rational thought with how the various life options will make you feel once you decide to move forward. You will be able to tap into the impact of stories on decision-making and improve your decision making skills for the rest of your life. 

Building on your purpose-driven story, you will then be able to uncover the secrets of tapping into your passion points and pain points to pivot courageously towards your new life path. Moreover, by using the power of SMART goals, you will have the framework to efficiently turn your new life path from thought to action.  


Our MAKE SMART DECISIONS online courses are available across two levels - an Introductory level (Level 1) and an Intermediate level (Level 2) to help you to learn the techniques to make smart, sound, good decisions as you turn your life around. You will be equipped to navigate and avoid the common errors/traps that most people make, thereby enabling you to make good decisions regarding your future opportunities and then taking action to turn your vision into reality. 


The choice is yours. You don't need to continue feeling scared and nervous about making changes in your life.
Take the first step and make a good decision in learning how to make smart, good decisions as you turn your life around.


Overview of the MAKE SMART DECISIONS Introductory and Intermediate courses:-

MAKE SMART DECISIONS Introductory course

Click the link above to read more about this Introductory course.

MAKE SMART DECISIONS Intermediate course

Click the link above to read more about this Intermediate course.

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Given all the changes that we’ve been through over the last few years, maybe YOU ARE NOW READY to shift your perspective, passion, and gifting in a new direction (whether that’s a new job/ business/ renewed sense of purpose in life), but you are struggling to define and communicate your life/business/success story and purpose in order to boldly move forward?


You feel that you are stuck in a vicious cycle of worry and confusion as you try to turn your life around. You  require advice on sound, good, decision making skills so that you can change your life for the better. 

Well, be encouraged in the fact that you already have lots of multi-dimensional stories in your life/business that can be stitched together to define your new sense of purpose in life. For example, was there a time in your childhood/personal life that you overcame the odds and prevailed or a time in your business where your gifting tilted the balance in your favour? These are strong, personal multi-dimensional components that can be stitched into your powerful life/business story, thereby energising you to take action by making smart, sound, good decisions to turn your life around.

You have come to the right place to get trained on making sound, good decisions in as little as 5 days.


Building on my 20+ years of decision-making experience, I have successfully navigated multiple decisions in life and pivoted to navigate various life paths. From corporate careers with global giants like P&G®, PepsiCo®, and Vodafone®, to then pivoting successfully to work with private companies, small and medium sized businesses, start-ups, and even deciding to launch and scale multiple businesses. Through the challenges and opportunities and successes and mistakes, I studied and mapped out key principles to successfully pivot by making good, sound, decisions. Learn from me on turning your life around, avoiding the most common errors and pitfalls, and mastering your fear and doubt to make sound decisions that connect your heart, mind, and gut, thereby enabling you to turn your life around successfully!

Want to give the 3 step Smart-Decision Making Framework a try?

Signup to the FREE Smart Decision Making coaching webinar and experience a solid overview of using your heart, mind, and gut, to make sound decisions in your life.  

Spots are limited! Grab your spot today!

Make Smart Decisions WORKSHEET.png

Once you watch the webinar, download our FREE 1 Page Make Smart Decisions worksheet to start making bold choices today



Whether you are signing up to the online courses or the 1 hour/ 2 hour storytelling 1 to 1 coaching session, the core essence of the storytelling technique uses the power of images and metaphor association to distil, craft, and communicate your story based on your needs and aspirations.

Here is the outline of the storytelling technique:



Using 2-4 images based on your life events (you will be providing these images), we will use the power of metaphor associations to understand the deeper WHY and relevance of the images to your everyday life. 



We will be using a fun, highly engaging and encouraging cognitive exercise (Dinner Table Role Play) to understand the perceived barriers and enablers that can be used to strengthen your story and elevate it to the next level. 



At this stage, you are ready to communicate your new purpose-driven story. As you communicate your story, key insights and life lessons to take with you for the future will emerge as key...



"As a storyteller myself, I never thought I'd need help in getting better at telling stories. But George is amazing and truly brings another dimension - the next dimension, literally - of storytelling to your brand!
If Micheal Jordan needed a coach, all amazing storytellers, entrepreneurs, owners, leaders, etc. all need a guide to shepherd them through this process. Get George in early or stay stuck in 2D (2-Dimension)!"

- Kurian Babykutty

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